Nonlinear Static Analysis

Nonlinear static analysis, commonly referred to as pushover analysis, is a
method for determining the ultimate load and deflection capability of a
structure. Local nonlinear structure effects, such as flexural hinges at
the member joints, are modeled and the structure is deformed or
"pushed" until enough hinges form to develop a collapse mechanism or
until the plastic deformation limit is reached at the hinges.
Reference Documents:
- Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, Priestley, Seible & Calvi, John Wiley & Sons
- ATC 40, Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofit of Concrete Buildings.
- FEMA 273 & 274, NEHRP Guidelines
for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings.
- Nonlinear Static Analysis (2001)
- Introduction
- SAP2000 Example
- wFRAME Example
- Earthquake Analysis with SAP2000 (2004)
- Response
Spectra Analysis
- Nonlinear
Static Analysis
- SAP 2000 Advanced