Highway and Roadway Bridges

This page contains information useful to those interested in the design or research of highway and roadway bridges.
Structure Types:
- CIP/PS Concrete Box Girder
- Reinforced Concrete Box Girder
- Reinforced Concrete T-Girder
- Reinforced Concrete Slab
- PC/PS Concrete Box Girder
- PC/PS Concrete I-Girder
- Steel I-Girder
- Steel Truss
Structure Components:
- Abutment
- Seat abutment
- Diaphragm abutment
- Bent
- Bent cap
- Columns
- Footings
- Superstructure
Reference Documents:
- Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CAN/CSA-S6,Canadian Standards Association
- Ontario Provincial Standards
United States
- AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
- AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
- AWS Bridge Welding Code
- ATC 18, Seismic Design Criteria for Bridges and Highway Structures: Current and Future.
- ATC 32, Improved Seismic Design Criteria for California Bridges: Provisional Recommendations.
- Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications
- PCI Bridge Design Manual
- Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, Priestley, Seible & Calvi, John Wiley & Sons
- UCSD Report SSRP-93/02, Assessment and Design of Joints for Single-Level Bridges with Circular Columns, Priestley
United States